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Haruki Murakami: After Dark

Crítica de After Dark de Haruki Murakami.
Nevertheless, After Dark is memorable enough, an evocation of the passing of time not unlike Virginia Woolf's The Waves. It's probably most valuably seen in relation to the Murakami canon as a whole, and best appreciated in conjunction with his other recent part-realistic, part-fantasy creations.

De Murakami estão já editados em português: "Dança, Dança, Dança", "Em Busca do Carneiro Selvagem", "Crónica do Pássaro de Corda", "Sputnik Meu Amor" e "Kafka à Beira-Mar".

J. M. Coetzee: Diary of a Bad Year

Critica no New York Times do último livro do Sul Africano J. M. Coetzee - Diary of a Bad Year.
“Diary of a Bad Year” coerces us to harden what Coleridge identified as “that willing suspension of disbelief for the moment, which constitutes poetic faith” into a willed suspension of disbelief, an act that is conscious, purposeful and informed. To want to be told a story built up “out of nothing,” to have our edification with a spoonful of fiction, would seem to be an old-fashioned, even prelapsarian desire. This novel’s fall from the grace of a purely imagined world is a matter of self-conscious nakedness, of insisting we see undisguised rhetorical tricks we might prefer cloaked with artifice.